
Holly Martins

HollyMartins2Effecting Holly Martins, The Third Man

We have not felt any particular compulsion to get involved with blog challenge thingummies, but this one was a little hard to resist. Slebrity blogger, Strawberry Singh issued a “Monday Meme” challenge, apparently an ongoing thing at her site, to come up with a post dressing one’s avatar as a favorite film character. Mine would hands down be Holly Martins as played by Joseph Cotten in the 1949 British film noir classic, The Third Man. This film is considered one of the best films ever made, and tops the United Kingdom’s all-time best films list. We have determined that someone should build a Third Man Vienna sim. In fact, wouldn’t it be jolly if the top 100 films of all time had their own in world location builds? I mean to say, what a spiffing idea, what?

holly martinsJoseph Cotten as Holly Martins and Trevor Howard as Major Calloway meet at the grave of Harry Lyme — but it’s actually the grave of hospital orderly, Josef Haben

Martins is this bumbling American, much out of his element, a writer of Western-themed pulp fiction with a tenacious desire for justice. As far a fictional characters go, he’s almost as irresistible as Mr. Wooster, himself.



Location: Babbage Cemetery


Coat ~ Sharp, “duster” in grey

Hat ~ Couture Chapeau “Sleuth” fedora, black, edited to tilt back and to the side as worn by Mr. Cotten in many scenes of the film.

Shirt ~ Kauna XIV in white

Tie ~ Kauna XIV, Gryffindor stripe (free in store)

Waistcoat ~ Kauna XIV “Tanktop” in plain rust

Trousers ~ Bastard, casual baggys in steel

Shoes ~ Lapoint & Bastchild wingtip with single and two-tone options (includes HUD)

Dressed for L$1504